In the recent months i have been doing a lot of reading, Within this researched i came across a book by Jeremy Narby called The Cosmic Serpent DNA and the Origins of Knowledge. In the book Narby despite his initial skepticism, found himself engaged in an increasingly obsessive personal quest which led him to the conclusion that ancient peoples, from the Aborigines to the Egyptians, have known for millennia about the Double helix structure - something conventional science only discovered in 1953. Most living organisms have the same sort of genetic material, DNA, in their cells. DNA contains two strands wrapped around each other in a helix, and these strands are held in place by four chemicals called bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T).
The figure below is taken from a Mesopotamian seal of c. 2200 B.C. and shows "the deity in human form, enthroned, with his caduceus emblem behind and a fire altar before." The symbol of this Serpent Lord was a double helix, similar with the representation of DNA.
myths and rites of these twin snakes frequently appear in ancient drawings in a remarkably consistent symbolic sense. Wherever nature is shown as inherently divine, the serpent is revered as symbolic of its divine life."
Below is the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology.