Tuesday, 25 January 2011

The Meaning Of Life

Well here it is, The next video, The Meaning Of Life.
So life's meaning it seams is to experience things, there is no losing in experience, Weather you have a good day or a bad one at the end of it you have still gained an experience so its win win whatever happens, The area of Atoms we call the physical body which we know as us is mealy vibrating matter, and it happens to be this area of vibrating atoms we see as ourselves is simply the area we have had full control over since the body's birth. Your body, the floor beneath you, the air around you and everything else from here to the outer limits of our infinite universe is you.

Atoms themselves are not solid, they have no solidity, but our brain decodes these atomic vibrations as solid or non solid. This decoding process we call the senses. So if the person we see in the mirror is not us but mealy atomic vibrations then what makes us us? The best explanation that i can find is that we are us simply because we are conscious, religions would call this our soul, i prefer the term consciousness. we are awake, we are alive, we exist and are able to take control of an area of atoms so we can decode other atomic vibrations so we can have experiences. We are conscious. So here's the crazy part, From this wider perspective it seams that there is no such thing as Death, Or at least not death as it is widely believed to be. Dieing would simply mean the group of atoms stops decoding, you would stop experiencing this reality and leave behind a set of conscious less atoms. So what do we see when our consciousness, our us, leaves this reality? That's a much more complex question to answer, the biggest problem being that nobody fully See's it till there dead, the best we have to go on is near death experiences. All over the world there have been reports from people brought back through CPR of bright lights at the end of tunnels, there whole lives flashing before there eyes and everything coming together simultaneously with no concept of time. Personally i wonder if this state is similar to the state we slip into each night which we call sleep. In this sleep mode we can create events people places, there's no concept of time, theres Happiness and even fear. Much of these events taken from experiences we had while we are awake. If the state we fall into after death is anything like sleep then we can simply re-imagine a new reality for us to experience. So the meaning of life is to experience, collect experiences that we can learn from and add to our imaginations and mebey even use to create a better reality for our consciousness after we leave this one. Weather you have a good day or a bad day no matter how it goes, this is a little i usually do, i still remember that I've had an experience from that day, if its a bad day we still gained an experience so you cant ever lose you've always gained something.

Looking at the world in this way has made me realise there is very little to fear, Its your reality your decoding so chose what you decode wisely as what you see you will become, your senses will decode what you see on television as your own experiences because the brain cannot define between the two. so be careful what allow your mind access to. So live for peace and always remember there is nothing for you to fear because you can never lose experiences you can only gain them.

Peace everybody, and enjoy the video.
Arron Startex. x